There are a lot of methods to find the owner of a phone number using social Engineering Techniques. We have listed some of the OSINT methods to find the owner of a phone number here.

Note: All content on this site is for educational purposes only.

If you’re searching for the United States phone number. You can simply use reverse phone lookup to find the person.

Some of the best websites to find the Owner of a phone number belongs to the US


Whitepages is a huge database it contains more than 275 million people’s information from the United States. This database is used to verify user identity. With Whitepages, you can search for people through phone no, names with the city, or the reverse address and business.

WhitePages Website (reference)


Phone lookup is one popular website to search people’s information through phone no.


It is also a free site lookup phone with no owner details for our phone number.

How to find Indian Phone number owner information.

The best way to find the owner of the Indian Phone number

1. Truecaller:

Truecaller is the best source to find phone number owner information. This is available as an app for Android or iOS or website. Truecaller has a database of more than 300 million people. The paid version gives many features live search through names etc.

2. Social media:

Try to reset the password method and find the owner’s name using social media. In social media when you click on reset password using a phone number it will display the user name of the linked account to identify is it your account or not. It will help to find the username.

3. Payment Apps:

You can find the phone number owner’s name using payment apps like Google Pay, Phone Pay, and more.

In payment apps when the user has used the same payment application. When trying to send money to the user using a phone number it displays the user name for receiver verification. you can use this feature to verify the owner of the phone number.

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