In this article lets, we discuss the top 20 basic Linux commands that everyone needs to know
What is Linux?
Linux is a free and open-source operating system based on UNIX. It was originally created by Linus Torvalds in 1991. It is released under the GNU General Public License (GPL).
- Linux is widely used in servers, mainframes, supercomputers, and embedded systems. It is one of the most popular operating systems among developers and power users.
- Linux is a versatile operating system and it can be used for a wide variety of tasks. It is used as a desktop operating system, a server operating system, an embedded operating system, etc.
- Linux is a versatile operating system and it can be used for a wide variety of tasks. It is used as a desktop operating system, a server operating system, an embedded operating system, etc.
- Linux is a multiuser operating system. This means that multiple users can use the same operating system at the same time. Each user can have their own account and their own files.
- Linux is a multitasking operating system. This means that multiple programs can run at the same time.
- Linux is a portable operating system. This means that it can be installed on a wide variety of hardware platforms.
- Linux is a secure operating system. This means that it is very difficult for viruses and other malicious software
Why do experts prefer Linux?
There are many reasons why experts prefer Linux.
- Linux is open source, which means that anyone can view and modify the code. This makes it easy to find and fix security vulnerabilities.
- Linux is very customizable, which allows hackers to tailor their environment to their specific needs.
- Linux is very stable, which means that it is less likely to crash or be affected by malware.
- Linux is widely used, which means that there are many resources available to help hackers learn and use it.
- Linux is a CLI (Command Line Interface) Based Operating System. Which helps to control everything using commands. CLI works faster than GUI.
Top 20 Basic Linux Commands
1. Sudo
sudo is a program used to run programs with the security privileges of another user, by default the superuser.
2. mkdir – Make a Directory
mkdir is a program used to create a new folder (directory).
Syntax: mkdir [directoryname] — it will create a new empty directory.
ex:: mkdir newfolder — it will create a new directory with the name of the newfolder.
Note: mkdir new folder –it will create two folders with names of new and folder. space is used for creating multiple folders. If you want to create a single folder having space use quotes. Ex: mkdir ‘new folder’
Note 2: a comma is not working in multiple directory creation. When you are using mkdir newfolder,newfolder2,newfolder3. It will create a single folder with the name newfolder,newfolder2,newfolder3.
3. ls – List of files and folders
ls is a Linux shell command that lists directory contents of files and directories.
Syntax: $ ls

4. cd – change a directory
cd command in Linux known as change directory command. It is used to change the current working directory.
Syntax: $ cd [directory]

- cd .. — is used to exit from preset working directory to enter into the parent directory ex: if you are in the path of $ folder1/folder2/foder3$ when you execute cd .. it will change the working directory to $folder1/folder2$

- cd ../ cd../ — is used to exit from two directories

cd or cd\ — helps get into home directory. If you are in any directory when you enter cd or cd\ it will get into the home directory.

5. Clear – clear the screen
It is used to clear the screen and makes t empty.
Syntax: $ clear

6. pwd : Present Working Directory
pwd prints the complete address of your present working directory.
syntax: $ pwd

7. rmdir : Remove Directory
- rmdir is used for deleting a folder that is empty
- rm -r for deleting a folder that is non-empty
- rm -r *for deleting all files and folders
8. echo: Print text into the file
echo command is used to add text in file
syntax: echo “message” > [filename]
echo “hello world ” > text.txt — creating a file with a single line text inside of the test file and if any text is already inside the text file it overrides with new text.
echo “hello world” >> text.txt — it will add new line in text.txt file
Note: if you add > (single arrow) it overrides anything that exits inside the file and adds the given message. if you add >> (double arrow) it will add a new line in the same file.
9. Touch – for creating empty text files
touch command is a way to create empty files.
syntax: touch [filename]
ex: touch text1 — It will create new empty text named with text1
10. nano – It is an text file editor
nano is a text file editor which is used to create, edit the text files.
$nano testfile
- ctrl+s is used for nano editor
- ctrl+x to exit the file editor
11. vi – It is a text file editor
vi is a text file editor which is used to create, and edit text files.
usage: $vi testfile
- In vi editor to edit the file, we need to use I to insert. To come out from insert mode press ESC.
- :q is the command to quit out of vi editor.
- :w is the command to save the contents of the editor
- :wq is used to save and quit the editor
12. copy or cp – used to copy the files
copy or cp command is used to copy the files from one directory to another directory
Syntax: copy source destination
Syntax: cp source destination
- cp -r is used to copy all files from source to destination
13. History – display history
It is used to view all previously used commands.
syntax: history
14. mv or move
it is used to move files from source to destination
syntax: move source destination
15. ps – process status
it used to check the running process in a system
syntax: ps [options]
- ps -f –used to check front end process ( means which are currently running visible to you).
- ps -alx –list all processes that is Running
16. kill
used to kill the running process
syntax: $kill [options]
ex: kill /PID — which kills the process based on PID no
17. sudo apt-get update
which is used to update the system tools and libraries
18.Sudo apt-get upgrade
which is used to upgrade the os version to present version latest version
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