There are many methods to shutdown a windows PC with a single click. Here we have listed some of the fastest ways to shut down your windows PC.
Method 1. Shortcut file to Shutdown Windows PC with a single click
* create shortcut

To create your own shutdown shortcut right click on desktop and select the new then select shortcut

Now you will get the above screen, In the location field, paste the ”%windir%\System32\shutdown.exe /s /t 0” without quotes then click on next

Now Enter the Shortcut name and click on finish.
Now when you open that shortcut file. your system will shut down.
* Change the Icon for Shortcut

To change the icon. Right-click on the shortcut and select the properties then select change Icon

Select the Required icon and click ok. That’s IT
* Pin Icon to TaskBar

Right-click on the shortcut and select pin to taskbar. Which helps shut down your system with a single

Now when clicking on the icon. Your system will shut down.
Method 2. Reprogram the power button
We can change action of you power button with simple setting. In this method we are reprogramming the power button functionaity with simple steps to shutdown Windows PC with a single click.
Reprogram the Power buttion

Open Control Panal by Pressing Windows + R and Type Control and Press enter

Once opened Control panal then open Power Options

Then Select choose what the power button do option.

Change When i press thr poer button to shutdown. That’s it.
Now when you press on power button your system will shutdown
Method 3. Shutdown PC Using Keyboard shortcut

you can also shutdown you pc by pressing ALT + F4. it will open a popup contains shutdown option. the select shudown option and select ok.
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